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    A licensed pharmacy would be delivering your order based on the availability of the product & fastest delivery. 

  and Medy App is an aggregator platform that you and retail Service Providers utilize to meet and interact with another for their transactions. Offer for sale on the products and services are provided/sold by the retail Service Providers only. For details, please read Terms and Conditions 



    I. In the event, a. any schedule appointment is subsequently cancelled by HCP or b. the HCP is not available for providing the Services on the schedule date and time of appointment. shall be under no obligation to arrange for fresh appointment. However, subject to the availability of the concerned HCP, may arrange for a fresh appointment for the User(s) and this shall be the sole remedy for the User(s) herein.

    In case the User(s) has prepaid for an appointment with concerned HCP and does not intend to avail the fresh appointment pursuant to the events occurred under clause I (a) (b) above, the prepaid amount shall be refunded to the User(s) account.

    II. In the event,

    a. the User(s) chooses any wrong specialty or therapeutic area for consultation,

    b. the User(s) gives wrong or unauthorized information. shall not be responsible or liable for any consequences arising therefrom.

    III. User(s) acknowledge and agree that the concerned HCP from whom Services are booked/ordered/availed shall alone be liable and responsible for any act or omission or commission on part of the HCP, including but not limited to (i) the treatment, prescription, medication (collectively referred to as “HCP services”) or (ii) for medical negligence arising out of such HCP services. User(s) acknowledge that shall not be liable in any way for any claims with respect to HCP Services and confirm that it shall not make any claim on or any other person/party.

    IV. The display of any search results on the Platform is on “as is” basis (as per the details made available by the HCPs).

    V. User(s) acknowledges and agrees that Services that is facilitating through the Platform shall not constitute medical care, diagnosis and/or treatment and no Healthcare Provider-Patient relationship will be established between and the User.

    However, the foregoing shall not apply to any healthcare services that may directly provide through the Platform.

    VI. Health Vault is a secure virtual password protected locker where User(s) can store their health reports/records. User(s) at their sole discretion give access to their Health Vault to HCPs or Third Party(ies) for viewing their health records/reports and granting any such access shall be at User’s(s) sole discretion and risk. shall not be liable for any loss/damages suffered by a User due to unauthorized use of the User’s health data by persons to whom access is given by the User.

    2. Video Consultation with HCP (Healthcare Professionals) for non-emergency medical care;

    a. lists the profile of HCPs on its Platform.

    b. User(s) may search the Platform for HCPs for the available specialties/ therapeutic areas.

    c. From the results displayed the User(s) may book an appointment on the Platform for the Services of HCPs as per the available times slot.

    d. Pursuant to booking, will send a communication to the User(s) informing the booking details.

    e. The User(s) is required to log in at the schedule time.

    f. User(s) may reschedule the confirmed appointment until 1 (one) hour prior to the schedule appointment.

    g. Users may at the time of booking appointment permit HCP’s to access their Health Vault.

    h. Pursuant to Your consultation, an EMR/Consultation Summary will be created instantly, the details of which will be shared to User(s) Health Vault. User(s) are advised to review the same immediately and should they observe any discrepancies, the same should be notified/reported immediately and in any case not later than two days of receipt, else the details in the EMR/Consultation Summary shall be treated as final.

    i. User(s) are advised to have a follow-up face to face visit with the HCP with whom the User(s) have availed Video Consultation Services and correlate the outcome of such video consultation with the HCP.


    I. In the event,

    a. any schedule appointment is subsequently cancelled by HCP or

    b. the HCP is not available for providing the Services on the schedule date and time of appointment. shall be under no obligation to arrange for fresh appointment. However, subject to the availability of the concerned HCP,, may arrange for a fresh appointment for the User(s) and this shall be the sole remedy for the User(s) herein.

    In case the User(s) has prepaid for an appointment with concerned HCP and does not intend to avail the fresh appointment pursuant to the events occurred under clause I (a) (b) above, the prepaid amount shall be refunded to the User(s) account.

    II. In the event,

    a. the User(s) chooses any wrong specialty or therapeutic area for consultation,

    b. the User(s) gives wrong or unauthorized information. shall not be responsible or liable for any consequences arising therefrom.

    III. In the event there are disruptions, blurring, call break down or any other connectivity issues, during the consultation resulting in non-completion of the service, although under no obligation, shall make reasonable efforts to arrange for a fresh consultation appointment for the User(s). In case the User(s) has prepaid for the consultation with concerned HCP and does not intend to avail the fresh consultation pursuant to the events occurred under this clause (III), the prepaid amount shall be refunded to the User(s) account.

    IV. User(s) acknowledge and agree that the concerned HCP from whom Services are booked/ordered/availed shall alone be liable and responsible for any act or omission or commission on part of the HCP, including but not limited to (i) the treatment, prescription, medication (collectively referred to as “HCP services”) or (ii) for medical negligence arising out of such HCP services. User(s) acknowledge that shall not be liable in any way for any claims with respect to HCP Services and confirm that it shall not make any claim on or any other person/party.

    V. The display of any search results on the Platform is on “as is” basis (as per the details made available by the HCPs).

    VI. User(s) acknowledges and agrees that Services that is facilitating through the Platform shall not constitute medical care, diagnosis and/or treatment and no Healthcare Provider-Patient relationship will be established between and the User.

    However, the foregoing shall not apply for any healthcare services that may directly provide through the Platform.

    VII. Health Vault is a secure virtual password protected locker where User(s) can store their health reports/records. User(s) at their sole discretion give access to their Health Vault to HCPs or Third Party(ies) for viewing their Health records/reports and granting any such access shall be at User’s(s) sole discretion and risk. shall not be liable for any losses/damages suffered by User due to unauthorized use of User’s health data by persons to whom access is given by the User.

    3. Order for Diagnostic Services (Laboratory Services)

    a. lists the profile of HSPs on its Platform.

    b. User(s) may search the Platform for HSPs for the available specialties/ therapeutic areas.

    c. From the results displayed the User(s) may choose the desired HSPs from where the User(s) intends to avail the Services.

    d. User (s) may select the desired test(s) and may opt to visit HSP (s) facility for giving the test(s) sample or request for home collection services by booking an appointment at the available times slot.

    e. User(s) are required to provide name, age, gender, email, mobile number and their address and such other details as may be required, for providing the Services.

    f. User(s) are required to make payment as generated based on test(s) ordered. Payments can be made through the available payment options.

    g. User(s) will receive their test(s) reports directly in their Health Vault or through secured e-mail accounts, if any, shared by the User(s).


    I. In the event,

    a. the HSP is not available for providing the Services on the schedule date and time of User(s) visit to HSP’s facility.

    b. If HSP does not provide, cancels or delays in providing home collection services on the time slots booked by the User(s) shall be under no obligation to arrange for a fresh appointment. However, subject to the availability of the concerned HSP,, may arrange for a fresh appointment for the User(s) to either visit the HSP’s facility for giving the test(s) samples or arrange for home collection services, as per the mutually agreed time slots between User(s) and HSP(s) and this shall be the sole remedy for the User(s) herein.

    In case the User(s) has prepaid for an appointment with concerned HSP and does not intend to avail the fresh appointment pursuant to the events occurred under clause I (a) (b) above, the prepaid amount shall be refunded to the User(s) account.

    II. In the event,

    a. the User(s) chooses wrong test(s) for investigation/diagnosis or

    b. the User(s) gives wrong or unauthorized information. shall not be responsible or liable for any consequences arising therefrom.

    III. In the event, the User(s) misreport their prescription, personal details and information, neither nor HSP shall be liable for the consequences arising therefrom.

    IV. User(s) acknowledge and agree that the concerned HSP from whom Services are booked/ordered/availed shall alone be liable and responsible for any act or omission or commission on part of the HCP, including but not limited to (i) the test(s) reports, diagnosis (collectively referred to as “HSP services”) or (ii) for medical negligence arising out of such HSP services. User(s) acknowledge that shall not be liable in any way for any claims with respect to HCP Services and confirm that it shall not make any claim on or any other person/party.

    V. The display of any search results on the Platform is on “as is” basis (as per the details made available by the HSPs).

    VI. User(s) acknowledges and agrees that Services that is facilitating through the Platform shall not constitute medical care, diagnosis and/or treatment and no Healthcare Provider-Patient relationship will be established between and the User.

    VII. Health Vault is a secure virtual password protected locker where User(s) can store their health reports/records. User(s) at their sole discretion give access to their Health Vault to HCP(s) or Third Party(ies) for viewing their Health records/reports and granting any such access shall be at User’s(s) sole discretion and risk. shall not be liable for any losses/damages suffered by User due to unauthorized use of User’s health data by persons to whom access is given by the User.

    VIII. User(s) are advised to correlate the test result values appearing in digitized format on the Platform with values appearing in the PDF format/report shared by the HSP(s).

    Any discrepancies found in the values appearing in the digitized format should be notified to for rectification.

    Any discrepancies found in the values appearing in the PDF format should be notified to the concerned HSP for rectification. In the event any request is made by the User(s) with for rectification of any errors in the PDF format,, although is under no obligation, may make reasonable efforts, to coordinate with the concerned HSP and update the User(s) with the outcome therefrom.

    User(s) agree that they shall rely only on the PDF format of test (s) results shared by concerned HSP. User(s) agree that HSP(s) are alone responsible for any discrepancies in the tests results shared by HSP(s), and further agree to make/report their grievances with reference to any discrepancies in the test(s) reports with the concerned HSP(s).

    IX. The test sample collection timings shown on the Platform are indicative and are subject to change depending on availability of the HSP(s).

    X. In the event any collected test sample is not usable, then the test sample will be again drawn without any extra cost to the User(s).

    4. Order for Online Prescription medicine (Pharmacy Services)

    a. lists the profile of HSP(s) on its Platform.

    b. User(s) may search the Platform for the prescribed medicines and select the required medicines.

    c. From the results displayed the User(s) may choose the desired HSP(s) from where the User(s) intends to avail the Services.

    d. User(s) are required to provide name, age, gender, email, mobile number and their address and such other details as may be required, for providing the Services.

    e. User(s) are required to make payment as generated based on medicine(s) ordered. 

    Payments can be made through the available payment options.

    f. User(s) will receive the ordered medicines at the address specified by them.


    I. In the event, a. any confirmed order(s) is subsequently cancelled by HSP or b. the HSP is not able to deliver or service the order(s)

    Although is under no obligation to arrange for a fresh order, however, subject to the availability of the concerned HSP/medicines,, may make reasonable efforts to arrange for placing a fresh order and arrange for the delivery. In the event fresh order cannot be made, User(s) will be advised to rebook their order(s) through other available HSP(s). In case User(s) has made any advance payment and order has not been confirmed/delivered, will arrange the refund to the User(s) account as per the Refund Policy.

    II. In the event,

    a. the User(s) chooses wrong medicine(s) for delivery or

    b. the User(s) gives wrong or unauthorized information. shall not be responsible or liable for any consequences arising therefrom.

    III. In the event, the User(s) misreport their prescription, personal details and information, neither nor HSP shall be liable for the consequences arising therefrom.

    IV. User(s) acknowledge and agree that the concerned HSP from whom Services are booked/ordered/availed shall alone be liable and responsible for any act or omission or commission on part of the HCP, including but not limited to (i) the medicine(s) ordered, wrong delivery of medicines, service related issues, discrepancies (collectively referred to as “HSP services”) or (ii) for medical negligence arising out of such HSP services. User(s) acknowledge that shall not be liable in any way for any claims with respect to HCP Services and confirm that it shall not make any claim on or any other person/party.

    V. The display of any search results on the Platform is on “as is” basis (as per the details made available by the HSPs).

    VI. User(s) acknowledges and agrees that Services that is facilitating through the Platform shall not constitute medical care, diagnosis and/or treatment and no Healthcare Provider-Patient relationship will be established between and the User.

    VII. Heath is not responsible for any wrong delivery of medicines by the HSP(s). In case of any discrepancies or service related issues, the User(s) are required to address their grievances with the respective third-party HSP.

    VIII. In force majeure situation if a confirmed order is not delivered,’s obligation is limited to arranging the delivery of order at the earliest available time.

    The Healthcare professionals providing consultation on the platform are entitled to practice medicine in United Arab Emirates. The details of the Healthcare professional viz., name, qualifications, and registration number are made available prior to the commencement of the consultation. The User(s) who intend to verify the credentials of the Healthcare professionals may approach the State Medical Council as the case may be.

    Issuance of medicines

    In certain cases, the HCPs may require seeing the patient(s) virtually before prescribing medicines, providing treatment or for diagnosing their medical condition. In the event the HCPs are unable to virtually see the Patient(s), the HCPs may discontinue the consultation due to limitations specified under the relevant Telemedicine guidelines and the User(s) or any third party(ies) agree that they shall not make or the concerned HCPs liable for such actions.

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